> 2. Please provide background comments on your ranking.
> Why do you prefer to use the given solution?
Provides shared memory system and pull transaction.
Supported by major consumer OS vender.
Existing standard.
Real physical devices are asymmetric, and SBP-2 is also
asymmetric. It could be optimized for high band throughput.
> Why should others consider the given solution?
Standard developments and marketing reasons,
> Does the the given solution meet the existing requirements?
> What issues are you aware of (if any) with the given solution?
Unexpected In-ORB may cause fetch agent to be stalled.
Reverse directional flow control (credit control?) may
be required.
> What is your opinion on the best way to move the discussion forward?
Design review for Alan's and Greg's proposal would be
effective to figure out 1394 transport requirements.
> Other comments?
Fumio Nagasaka
EPSON Software Development Laboratory Inc.,
TEL: +81 268 25-4111 // FAX: +81 268 25-4627
HomePage = http://www.venus.dti.ne.jp/~fumiona/