The structure of this work was specifically divided to prevent our group
from being loaded down with the base 1212 changes. The PWG/PWG-C are
considered a task group that are only charged with working on the function
discovery issues. Our changes and additions will be applied into the
standard by the 1212 editor. By the way, the 1212 work is on an
accelerated schedule and because we won't have to create an entire standard
from scratch we will probably be able to pull this off faster.
Additionally, because the 1212 chair, David James, is working on this as
well (along with Peter Johansson, and others) we have some built in
advisors to keep us on the right track.
I hope this helps to explain what went on.
* Don Wright *
* Manager, Strategic Alliances and Standards *
* Lexmark International *
* 740 New Circle Rd *
* Lexington, Ky 40550 *
* 606-232-4808 (phone) 606-232-6740 (fax) *