P1394 Mail Archive: P1394> RE:Results of IEEE MSC Meeting on 7/14

P1394> RE:Results of IEEE MSC Meeting on 7/14

Atsushi Nakamura (atsnaka@cbs.canon.co.jp)
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 10:50:54 +0900

First, I 'd like to thank Greg and other attendeees from PWG for
the effort at MSC.

Some confirmation for my understanding ;

Since the MSC has agreed to take the function discovery
issue up at the IEEE1212 revision working group,
does that mean;

1) The MSC sees the function discovery issue as a
IEEE1212 problem, not only a IEEE1394 issue?

2) The MSC sees the origional intent of the
IEEE1212's definition of the unit directory
IS protocol discovery after all, not function discovery.

Is this just the beginning of this disscusion?
Was there any technical disscusion to backup the idea
for the function discovery be incorporated with 1212?
I am afraid that we will have to start taking other buses
(using IEEE1212) into consideration.

> It was agreed that Greg LeClair would chair the group tasked with
> making a proposal to the IEEE 1212 working group for function unit
> discovery

This group would be the PWG/PWG-C, not a new group,right?

Atsushi Nakamura
BJ Printing Technology Development 22
Canon Inc.
email: Atsushi_Nakamura@cbj.canon.co.jp