P1394 Mail Archive: P1394> AVC working group meeting

P1394> AVC working group meeting

Danny Mitchell (DMitchell@ti.com)
Tue, 17 Jun 1997 16:46:11 -0500

Aaron Ludtke of Sony has suggested the below. Again please respond to
Aaron directly if anyone plans to attend.


I saw the other email to the pwg - thanks for sending it out and helping
to coordinate. Did you mean the 26th in your message above? The AV WG
meeting will be only two days - 25th and 26th. Again, the 26th is
completely OK...I didn't know that the PWG people would be in Boston on
the 25th. I apologize that the schedule is so tight; I know that it is
tough to fly back here for a meeting on the next day.

I'll tell you what - to try and make this as convenient as we can for the
PWG people, how about if we plan on discussing SDD in the afternoon on
the 26th? That would allow us to go completely through our other major
topic (the AV/C tuner) and finish it off, then let everybody shift their
mindset over to SDD and not worry about shifting back to the tuner.
Regards, Danny Mitchell ( Dallas, Tx )

BuS Solutions SW Manager ( 1394, USB )
Ph: 972-480-3411 www.ti.com/sc/USB
Fx: 972-480-3160 www.ti.com/sc/1394
Texas Instruments, 8505 Forest Lane, MS-8710, Dallas, TX 75243