MFD> MFD Teleconference March 6, 3pm EST

From: Zehler, Peter (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2008 - 10:45:34 EST

  • Next message: Zehler, Peter: "MFD> Reminder: Please review the updated model Document before Thursday's teleconference"

    PWG calendar:

    March 6, 3pm EST

    1. Approve previous meeting minutes: (Not Required, comments from
    meeting reflected in document updates)
    2. Agenda bashing
    3. Discuss Model Document comments raised on the mail list
    4. Walk through Model Document
    5. Discuss next steps


    The updated model Document(.doc, and -rev.pdf/doc are also available):

    The updated Requirements Document(.doc, and -rev.pdf/doc are also
    available) (This document will not be discussed on this teleconference):


    WSDL/Schema (Has not been updated since Face to Face.):
    I have updated the MFD page <> which
    has links to the latest documents and schema as well as a link that
    allows you to browse the schema. (A convenience for those of you
    without an XML tool)

    Click Here to Join Live Meeting
      Subject: PWG - MFD Working Group
      Meeting URL:
      Meeting ID: PWG_MFD
      Meeting Key: PQ%>Fj5sN
      Role: Attendee
    FIRST TIME USERS: To save time before the meeting, check your system
    <> to make sure it is
    compatible with Microsoft Office Live Meeting.
    (NOTE: Ignore any dial in banner from Live Meeting. Use the number and
    pass code below.)


    Tele-Con Number:1-866-365-4406

    Pass Code: 2635888



    Peter Zehler
    Xerox Research Center Webster
    Voice: (585) 265-8755
    FAX: (585) 265-7441
    US Mail: Peter Zehler
    Xerox Corp.
    800 Phillips Rd.
    M/S 128-25E
    Webster NY, 14580-9701




    Peter Zehler
    Xerox Research Center Webster
    Voice: (585) 265-8755
    FAX: (585) 265-7441
    US Mail: Peter Zehler
    Xerox Corp.
    800 Phillips Rd.
    M/S 128-25E
    Webster NY, 14580-9701




    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Tue Feb 26 2008 - 10:46:38 EST