MFD> some comments on the MFD req doc

From: Petrie, Glen (
Date: Tue Aug 14 2007 - 19:10:19 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: MFD> some comments on the MFD req doc"


    I would like to get feed back on my initial review of the definition section
    in the requirement document. If I have the wrong understanding of these, I
    may interpret the remainder of the document out of context.

    Page : Line Comment

    6 : 168-169 Are we only considering office and production environments?
    Are there any additional considerations for environment or applications such
    public access or hand-held device environments? Is there is a case of a
    public access scan-service? Is there is a case of pda/phone interfacing with
    an MFD.

    6 : 169 What is an "... on-ramp ..." ? "document on-ramp scanning" -->
    "document scanning".

    6 : 171-172 Is the interruption of a scan job based on the size
    (large/small) or is it based strictly on priority? I would say strictly on

    6 : 172 The statement the "... model can support..." implies an optional
    support issue. That is an implementation decision; but the model will
    either support something or it doesn't. So if we're supporting this, then
    the wording would be "model supports"

    6 : 172 Suggest rewording; " For multi-document batch scanning, the model
    can support..." to The model support multi-document batch scanning...".

    6 : 173 "When necessary, the model can be extended to support..." Again, the
    " The model supports..." and decision on whether is does or not is an
    implementation detail. If the model, in this version of the document, will
    not support security then the statement should be removed.

    6 : 178-180 The statement starting with "Currently ..." I believe could
    be removed.

    6 : 190-192 "Scan Job Ticket" "Scan Job Ticket (software)..."
            Add new definition for a physical Scan Job Ticket that is placed on
    the scanner.
            "Scan Job Ticket (physical) - A encoded sheet of paper the
    contains... (same as "Scan Job Ticket (software)..." ) (new last sentence)
    The content of the physical scan job ticket is configured by the user
    through direct markings on the encoded sheet of paper."

    6 : 194 Can there be a physical Scan Job Template? Like a fax cover sheet,
    it is located near the MFD. The user fills out the template (instantiates
    the template to the physical Scan Job Ticket) and then places it on scan
    with their document.

    6 : 205 Scan Service - The process of accepting a Scan Job Ticket and based
    the Scan Job Ticket will setup the scan device, invoke a physical scan
    operation of a hard copy document and store the digital output.

                                    1. Scan Service in itself is not the
    "process of converting...."; that is physical process of the photo-detector;
    I am assuming the service is a software service and therefore the service is
    the controller.
                                    2. The scan hard copy document may not
    result in a digital image as the final retrievable state. For example, a
    scan service may before OCR and the user (scan service) may not ever have
    access to the "scanned image". Therefore, "digital output" covers the gamut
    of possibilities. The input document may contain bar-codes that processed'

    6 : 205 is a "digital document" all encompassing of both digital image
    and/or digital text? Is the phrase "digital content" better?

    6 : 216 Since an image is not the only possible digital output
            "paper document being scanned" -> " scanned hard copy document".

    6 : 221 "processing" is only post-process to the scan operation. "Scan
    Intent - The preferences of the user for scanning, processing and storing of
    a scan job." Isn't that just what a "Scan Job Ticket" is?

    6 : 224 Isn't the "scan client" either the MFD user interface or the
    app on the pc setting up the Scan Job Ticket. The Scan Service is the app
    (manager/controller) on the scan device executing the Scan Job Ticket.

    Glen W. Petrie
    Epson Imaging Technology Center
    2580 Orchard Parkway, Suite 200
    San Jose, CA, 95131
    Voice: 408.576.4131 Fax: 408.474.0511

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