MFD> MFD Teleconference Thursday 6/21 11am EDT (announcement for Peter Zehler)

Date: Tue Jun 19 2007 - 14:57:30 EDT

  • Next message: McDonald, Ira: "RE: MFD> [scanner term] Meeting Minutes for June 14 Teleconference posted"


    Pete does not have email available to him at this time and asked me to
    post this teleconference announcement for him.

    On Thursday June 21 an MFD Teleconference will be held. The details for
    the phone and net meeting are below.

    The document being reviewed is available at
    <>. There is
    a version with revision marks (wd-mfdscanreq10-20070619_rev.pdf) as well
    MSWord word versions in the same directory. The MSWord versions contain
    embedded Visio diagrams and are quite large (~5M).

    June 21 2007
    11 am - 12 pm eastern


    Tele-Con Number:1-866-365-4406

    Pass Code: 2635888

    Net Conference Details:


    Meeting Number: 747275324

    Meeting Passcode: PwgSm

    Join Instructions for Net Conference:

    1. Join meeting at:

    if that link does not work go to:

    and select "join an event"

    2. Enter the required fields.

    3. Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy.

    4. Click on Proceed.


    1) Approve last week's minutes

    2) Agenda bashing
    2) Discuss Job Ticket Lifecycle update

    2) Continue Use Case discussion and identify/resolve issues

    5) Next steps

    Nancy Chen
    Pricipal Engineer
    Solutions and Technology
    Oki Data
    2000 Bishops Gate Blvd.
    Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
    phone: (856)222-7006

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Tue Jun 19 2007 - 14:57:09 EDT