Version D0.8 of the Media Standardized Names Specification is now available
at: (.doc or .rtf)
This version most likely does not represent the final document. The
outstanding issues include:
1. Should the format of the Media Size Self Describing Name include the
units? The meeting in Portland agreed not to include the units but the
recent teleconference concluded that specifying the units was preferred.
The Portland agreement uses the "class" name to provide an implied units.
2. Should the short dimension be separated from the long dimension by a
hyphen ("-") or an "x"?
3. How should the "class" (or "prefix") portion of those Self Describing
Names that are not specified by a sanctioned standards body be defined? I
have added "om" to those names that did not have a clearly defined "class".
There are three in Table 6 and five in Table 7. Also, Table 3 has an entry
"na-asme-..." that could be justified with a class of "asme-" instead of
More Type Names and Size Names are also likely to be added in the next
version. (Assuming that we can resolve the above issues first ;-)
The above issues may be discussed during the IPP phone conference next
Wednesday (May 16th) if they cannot be resolved via email.
Ron Bergman
Hitachi Koki Imaging Solutions
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