IPP Mail Archive: IPP> The 'application/ipp' MIME Media type

IPP> The 'application/ipp' MIME Media type has been registered with a reference to RFC 2910

From: Hastings, Tom N (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Date: Tue Jan 16 2001 - 20:09:32 EST

  • Next message: McDonald, Ira: "IPP> FW: [Cutoff dates for IETF 50 on March 18-23]"

    I just discovered in the IANA Registry of MIME Media types, that
    'application/ipp' has been registered with a reference to the RFC 2910.
    Here is the extract of the Registry:


    In this sub-directory is a flat file:


    which contains the following entries (... indicates lines that I have


    [RFC2045,RFC2046] specifies that Content Types, Content Subtypes, Character
    Sets, Access Types, and conversion values for MIME mail will be
    assigned and listed by the IANA.

    Content Types and Subtypes

    Type Subtype Description Reference
    ---- ------- ----------- ---------
    text plain [RFC2646,RFC2046]

    application octet-stream [RFC2045,RFC2046]
                    postscript [RFC2045,RFC2046]
                    ipp [RFC2910]

    If you go down to the application sub-directory and click on ipp:

    you get just the line text file: See RFC 2910.

    We probably do need to send Appendix B from RFC 2910 to IANA as a mail
    message following the procedures for registration. Then when bugging on the
    application/ipp, the user would get the mail message with all the fields
    filled in, rather than just the single-line text message: See RFC 2910.



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