IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Bakeoff issues 3.1 and 3.2

IPP> Bakeoff issues 3.1 and 3.2

From: Carl Kugler (kugler@us.ibm.com)
Date: Tue Jan 16 2001 - 17:31:56 EST

  • Next message: Hastings, Tom N: "IPP> MIME - Registration of all Printer MIB Print Document Formats (PD Ls) with IANA for IPP, UPnP, Bluetooth"


    Issue 3.1: AGREED
         IPP Client failed when an unexpected HTTP "100 continue" was received.
         Some printers sent a "100 continue" even before the Client sent a

    Issue 3.2: OPEN
         Some IPP Clients issues a zero length HTTP Post. The Client assumed
         that this would force a challenge if security is enabled on the
         Printer. The Client would have a problem if a subsequent print
         operation were challenged.


    It occurs to me that these two issues are related, and that issue 3.1
              contains the solution to issue 3.2.

    The crux of the 3.2 problem is this: for Digest Authentication, the client
    wants to provoke a challenge so it can get the "nonce" it needs in order to
    form the authentication-info for a request. It wants to get this challenge
    BEFORE it sends the document data to the printer; otherwise, the request
    will be rejected (Unauthorized) and will have to be resent with

    This is exactly the type of problem that the "100-Continue" mechanism is
    designed to solve! If a request includes an "Expect: 100-Continue"
    header, the Printer MUST either respond with 100 (Continue) status and
    continue to read from the input stream, or reject the request with a final
    status code. The Printer MUST NOT wait for the request body before sending
    the 100 (Continue) response.

    Problem 3.2 is solved if a client sends an HTTP request containing the
    "Expect: 100-Continue" header and waits for a 100 (Continue) response
    before sending the request body. When a request includes the 100-Continue
    expectation, and security is enabled on a Printer, the Printer will respond
    with 401 (Unauthorized) and include a WWW-Authenticate header containing
    the challenge, instead of sending 100 (Continue). This response MUST be
    sent after the Printer processes the HTTP headers, without waiting for the
    request body. At this point, the client can form the appropriate
    WWW-Authenticate request-header, and retry the request. This time it
    should receive 100 (Continue), indicating it should proceed to send the
    request body.

    So the client has successfully provoked a challenge BEFORE sending its
    Print-Job request, using only standard mechanisms that already are


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