IPP Mail Archive: IPP> DRV - Client Print Support Files Inte

IPP> DRV - Client Print Support Files Internet-Draft down-loaded

From: Hastings, Tom N (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Date: Tue Nov 07 2000 - 21:07:49 EST

  • Next message: Michael Sweet: "Re: IPP> DRV - Client Print Support Files Internet-Draft down-loaded"

    Hugo, Ted, and I have finished updating the Client Print Support Files
    Internet-Draft and have down-loaded it:


    Here is the Abstract:

    Various client platforms require that some setting up take place at the
    workstation before the client can properly submit jobs to a specific
    printer. This setup process is sometimes referred to as printer
    installation. Most clients need some information about the printer being
    installed as well as support files to complete the printer installation.
    The nature of the support files varies depending on the specific client
    platform, from simple configuration files to highly sophisticated printer
    drivers. This document refers to these support files as "Client Print
    Support Files". Traditionally, the selection and installation of the
    correct Client Print Support Files has been error prone. The selection and
    installation process can be simplified and even automated if the workstation
    can learn some key information about the printer and which sets of Client
    Print Support Files are available. Such key information includes: operating
    system type, CPU type, document-format (PDL), natural language, etc. This
    document describes the IPP extensions that enable workstations to obtain the
    information needed to perform a proper printer driver installation using

    The major changes are:

    1. The Get-Client-Print-Support-Files operation takes a uri, instead of a
    filter. That uri is the one returned in the "uri" field of the
    "client-print-files-supported" (1setOf octetString(MAX)) attribute by the
    Get-Printer-Attributes operation.

    2. Clarified the case and matching rules.

    3. Changed the name of the "client-print-support-files-request" operation
    attribute for the Get-Printer-Attributes to
    "client-print-support-files-filter" to more clearly indicate its purpose.

    4. The date format is quoted from WEBDAV. It has a "T" between the date and

    Here is what the file-date-time description is:

    One OPTIONAL File CASE-SENSITIVE creation date and time according to ISO
    8601 where all fields are fixed length with leading zeroes (see [RFC2518]
    Appendix 2). Examples: 2000-01-01T23:09:05Z and 2000-01-01T02:59:59-04.00

    5. Also the OS NAMES are all uppercase in IANA, so I have the following

    One or more REQUIRED comma-separated LOWER-CASE strings identifying the
    operating system types supported by this set of Client Print Support Files.
    Valid values include the operating system names defined in the IANA document
    [os-names]. Although the IANA registry requires that the names be all
    upper-case, the values MUST be all lower case in this field (plus
    hyphen-minus (-), period (.), and slash (/)). Examples: linux, linux-2.2,
    os/2, sun-os-4.0, unix, unix-bsd, win32, windows-95, windows-98, windows-ce,
    windows-nt, windows-nt-4, windows-nt-5.

    6. and the following cpu-type description:

    One or more REQUIRED comma-separated LOWER-CASE strings identifying the CPU
    types supported by this set of Client Print Support Files. Values (or
    compatible): 'unknown', 'x86-16', 'x86-32', 'x86-64', 'dec-vax', 'alpha',
    'power-pc', 'm-6800', 'sparc', 'itantium', 'mips', 'arm'.

    7. Table 2 is changed to be an exception table over Table 1.

    Send comments to the mailing list. We think this is ready for IPP WG Last

    Tom, Hugo, and Ted

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue Nov 07 2000 - 21:18:04 EST