The second half of the IPP weekly teleconference will be about the upcoming
Bake-Off. I have included the usual dial-in info. Keep an eye out for
Carl-Uno's mailnote for this week's teleconference. Carl-Uno's note will
have the official dial-in information. The TES portion of the
teleconference will be 11:00-12:00 PST (2:00-3:00 EST)
Here is the dial-in information:
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 PST (1:00 - 3:00 EST)
Phone: 1-888-749-8496 (8*534-8273 for Xerox folks)
Passcode: 86037#
Items to discuss:
1) A quick walk through the Bake-Off testing outline. The objective is to
get some input on specific areas of testing.
The document is located at
"". This is
the first version of this document nothing is cast in stone and major areas
of content are missing. Some of the outstanding issues are listed below.
A) IPP coverage testing (e.g. operations, attributes)
B) Common error testing (e.g. paper jam, low on toner)
C) Amount of version interoperability testing
D) Notification registration, delivery methods and events testing
E) Firewall and proxy specific tests
2) The use of test suites
A) handling of test suite output
3) Registration deadline
4) Next Steps....
I am open to any other items. It is obvious that an hour is insufficient.
We will definitely cover item 4 above.
Peter Zehler
Xerox Architecture Center
Voice: (716) 265-8755
FAX: (716) 265-8792
US Mail: Peter Zehler
Xerox Corp.
800 Phillips Rd.
M/S 139-05A
Webster NY, 14580-9701
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