IPP Mail Archive: RE: IPP> OPS - Redirect-Job (a ka Move-Job

RE: IPP> OPS - Redirect-Job (a ka Move-Job) included in Job and P rinter Admin (Set2) spec

From: kugler@us.ibm.com
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 12:33:33 EDT

  • Next message: Farrell, Lee: "IPP> IPP Minutes -- July '00"

    >'unknown' means that the Printer doesn't know what the value is. However,
    >the standard isn't clear how job validation works against a value of
    >'unknown' on a Job Creation operation.

    I agree. I suggest we clarify this to mean that the Printer doesn't know,
    a priori, which values it supports. The client is free to attempt the

    For example, suppose Redirect-Job is implemented as an IPP client built
    into the Printer. In general, an IPP client doesn't know, in advance, what
    Printer URIs it can submit Jobs to. So the Printer can't provide a list of
    "redirection-printers-supported". In this case, it returns
    "redirection-printers-supported": 'unknown'. The Printer doesn't know
    whether or not it can redirect a job to a particular URI until it tries.


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