IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> Event Time Job Description Attrib

Re: IPP> Event Time Job Description Attributes - NO_VAL

From: Michael Sweet (mike@easysw.com)
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 15:12:35 EST

  • Next message: McDonald, Ira: "IPP> RE: Help - Naming problems in SLP 'service:printer'"

    "Buzzelli, Mark" wrote:
    > ...
    > Does this mean that the encoding should be the no-value syntax,
    > followed by the length of the attribute, followed by the attribute
    > keyword, followed by the value length of the keyword 'no-val',
    > finally followed by the value 'no-val'? I also have another
    > interpretation, which is similiar to the unsupported attribute
    > handling, of no-value syntax, length, attribute, value length of 2
    > octets and then a value of 0x00. The drafts are not very clear on
    > the encoding unless I am looking in the wrong sections.

    I believe the correct implementation is to use the "no-value" tag
    with a value length of 0. That's what CUPS is doing, and according
    to section 3.10 of the current draft protocol document:

        "If a value-tag contains an "out-of-band" value, such as
         "unsupported", the value-length MUST be 0 and the value empty
         ù the value has no meaning when the value-tag has an
         "out-of-band" value."

    (Carl-Uno, there seem to be 8-bit characters in the latest drafts,
     like the "ù" on the third line above; some MS Word strangeness?)

    Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products                  mike@easysw.com
    Printing Software for UNIX                       http://www.easysw.com

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