IPP Mail Archive: RE: IPP> MOD - REVISITED Issue 17 - Client display of absolute date and time for job attributes

RE: IPP> MOD - REVISITED Issue 17 - Client display of absolute date and time for job attributes

Anthony Porter (anthony.porter@computer.org)
Mon, 10 May 1999 09:54:25 +0200

Well, it looks as if my implementation is in error, because 4.4.27 says that
the implementation MUST reset the value to 1 and it doesn't.

Another case would be an IPP server running on a PC that looks after a
couple of simple printers connected to the PC. Each printer in independent
and has its own IPP URL, so from a client they look like two IPP servers.

If one of those printers is reset, the IPP server probably wouldn't know and
so would not reset the printer-up-time. That was OK in IPP 1.0, since it
was the equivalent of method 1, but it would be wrong in IPP 1.1 because
4.4.27 says that printer-up-time MUST be reset.

For the client of course, it does not make any difference, it is as if the
printer did not go down at all. The only problem is with these pesky QA
guys who turn the printer off and on and then complain that the
implementation does not reset printer-up-time to 1 like it says in 4.4.27.

I don't think that the spec ought to require that printer-up-time be reset,
it is enough to say that IF the printer has to reset printer-up-time
following a restart, it must reset the value to 1 and not 0.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hastings, Tom N [mailto:hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com]
Sent: 07 May 1999 17:40
To: anthony.porter@computer.org; 'Hastings, Tom N'; 'ipp'
Subject: RE: IPP> MOD - REVISITED Issue 17 - Client display of absolute
date and time for job attributes

I think this still means that its ok to delete method 1 from IPP/1.1, since
you never reset the "printer-up-time" attribute and so the job time tick
("time-at-xxx") never need adjustment.


In other words, if the printer never goes down, then the "printer-up-time"
is still the time since the Printer object was started.

So the following proposed description for "printer-up-time" will not impact
your implementation, correct:

4.4.27 printer-up-time (integer(1:MAX))

This REQUIRED Printer attribute indicates the amount of time (in seconds)
that this Printer instance has been up and running. The value is a
monotonically increasing value starting from 1 when the Printer object is
started-up (initialized, booted, etc.). This
value or the value of "printer-current-time" is used to populate the Job
attributes "time-at-creation", "time-at-processing", and
"time-at-completed", depending on implementation (see Section 4.3.12).

If the Printer object ceases running and restarts, the implementation MUST
reset this value to 1.
