Issue 1.47 nlo 3 of 4: is a vote to delete a paragraph in Get-Jobs that says
a response MUST include the natural language of each job that is different
from the response (as "attributes-natural-language" as the first job
attribute returned). In other words get ride of job-level NLO in Get-Jobs.
Issue 1.48 nlo 4 of 4: is a vote to delete 'textWithoutLanguage' and
'nameWIthoutLanguage' and require all senders and receivers to send/support
only 'textWIthLanguage' and 'nameWithLanguage'
Issue 1.51 is a clarification to allow Get-Jobs response to redundantly
supply job-level NLO (even when the job is in that same language). This
clarification would become moot if the vote for 1.47 is yes (remove
job-level NLO).
Issue 1.52 is a clarification of whether Get-Jobs request for
"attributes-natural-language" could return it twice, once as job-level NLO
and once as the requested attribute. This clarification would become moot if
the vote for 1.47 is yes (remove job-level NLO).
See the issues list 1.6 for more details:
Hope this helps.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chuck Adams [mailto:adamsc@pogo.WV.TEK.COM]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 1998 09:09
>To: Manros, Carl-Uno B
>Subject: Re: IPP> ADM - Results of voting on the NLO Issues
> I would like to see a set of clearly stated
> proposals before voting on NLO 2, 3 and 4.
> Sorry the ipp-issues-list-mod-1.pdf document
> does not provide a clearly stated set of
> proposals. The document on the other hand
> does provide a lot of good input on the issues.
>Chuck Adams