IPP Mail Archive: IPP> ADM - Article about IPP in Network Magazine - Internet Printing:

IPP> ADM - Article about IPP in Network Magazine - Internet Printing:

Manros, Carl-Uno B (cmanros@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 15:29:37 -0700


The November issue of Network Magazine has a four page report on IPP,
in which they got most of it right, but slightly out-of-date due to their
press time, which is about two months.

You can get the text, but not the pictures, for free if you go to
the following address:


However, you will have to sign up as member, at no cost, to get to it
and might get a certain amount of junk mail in the future...



Carl-Uno Manros Principal Engineer - Advanced Printing Standards - Xerox Corporation 701 S. Aviation Blvd., El Segundo, CA, M/S: ESAE-231 Phone +1-310-333 8273, Fax +1-310-333 5514 Email: manros@cp10.es.xerox.com