IPP Mail Archive: (no subject)

(no subject)

Thu, 6 Aug 1998 19:37:29 +0100

Message-Id: <s5c996e7.044@orm-mh.orem.novell.com>
X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise 5.5
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 11:43:02 -0600
From: "Hugo Parra" <HPARRA@novell.com>
To: <ipp@pwg.org>
Subject: Re: IPP> TES - IPP Test Tools
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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Sender: owner-ipp@pwg.org

I had some trouble running the Xerox IPP Client Tool on my Win95 =
workstation, but finally found out what was wrong. Here's what the =
matter was as an FYI.

Unzipping IPPClientV1_0.zip resulted in five new files. One of them =
was IppClien.jar (not IppClient.jar - notice the 't' missing). =
IppClient.bat expects IPPClient.jar to be in the local directory (not =
IppClien.jar). Without it, the following error message gets reported:

"Can't find class com/xerox/ipp/client/gb"

Once I modified IppClient.bat to use IppClien.jar, the IPP Client =
loaded fine. It is possible that it was my unzip tool that messed up =
the name of my files; I haven't had time to try a different tool to =
verify this but seems likely since Lexmark reported no problems running =
the client.


>>> "Carl-Uno Manros" <carl@manros.com> 08/05 7:54 AM >>>

As indicated yesterday, the IPP tools are today officially released. If =
want to see the release note it can be found at:

