IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Notification Parameter: Time Limit

IPP> Notification Parameter: Time Limit

Rich Gray (Rich.Gray@Digital-Controls.Com)
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 17:51:14 -0500

If I may offer a suggestion:

<draft-ietf-ipp-not-00.txt> IBM Corporation
February 19, 1998

127 2.9 Notification Events
129 Any of the following constitute events that a Job Submitting End User
130 can specify notifications be sent for. Notifications are sent to an
131 end user only for that end user's job, or for events that affect the
132 processing of that end user's job.
134 - Any standard Printer MIB alert (i.e. device events that impact the
135 end user's job)
136 - Job Received (transition from Unknown to Pending or Pending-held)
137 - Job Started (Transition from Pending to Processing)
138 - Page Complete (Page is stacked)
139 - Collated Copy Complete (last sheet of collated copy is stacked)
140 - Job Complete (transition from Processing or Processing-stopped to
141 Completed)
142 - Job aborted (transition from Pending, Pending-held, Processing,
143 or Processing-stopped to Aborted)
144 - Job canceled (transition from Pending, Pending-held, Processing,
145 or Processing-held to Canceled)

- The job has not ended (Completed, Aborted, Canceled, etc.) by the
specified time limit. The resulting notification will inform the
notification recipient(s) of the current status of the job but will
in no other way affect the job.


4.6 I submit a job to a printer in the datacenter. I don't care about any
intermediate states the job goes through (such as the fact that the printer
ran out of paper and the attendant had to reload it.) I just wish to know
that my job has completed successfully (or failed) in a timely manner.

If the job does not complete in an hour, I wish to know what is wrong
why so I can call the datacenter and complain.

I submit the print job with the following attributes:

- Notification Recipient - me
- Notification Type - immediate
- Notification Events - job complete
or Time Limit( now + 1 hour ) expired


Richard B. Gray, Sr. Software Egr. | Tel: 513/746-8118 ext. 2405
Digital Controls Corporation | Fax: 513/743-8575
305 South Pioneer Blvd. | Net: rich.gray@digital-controls.com
Springboro OH 45066-1100, USA | http://www.digital-controls.com