IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> IPP > FAQ - How should the server behave?

Re: IPP> IPP > FAQ - How should the server behave?

Carl Kugler (kugler@us.ibm.com)
Mon, 9 Feb 1998 16:44:48 -0500

The 0x0502 status code means "The IPP object is currently unable to han=
dle the
request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the IPP object=
. " So,
yes, it could also mean the IPP object is down for maintenance.


ipp-owner@pwg.org on 02/09/98 12:34:38 PM
Please respond to ipp-owner@pwg.org @ internet
To: Carl Kugler/Boulder/IBM@ibmus
cc: ipp@pwg.org @ internet
Subject: Re: IPP> IPP > FAQ - How should the server behave?

Carl Kugler wrote:

> I'd be happier to get server-error-service-unavailable (0x0502) with =
> estimate of the the length of the delay indicated in the message. A =
> could then give a user the choice of canceling, retrying, or queuing =
> and retrying after delay. At that point the user might decide to try=
> printer, or just queue the job locally (client side) and go on.

Is the "server-error-service-unavailable" (0x0502) error code used
for any other type of error condition?


-- JK Martin | Email: jkm@underscore.com --
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