IPP Mail Archive: IPP> A few typos in 980116 Model document

IPP> A few typos in 980116 Model document

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Wed, 21 Jan 1998 09:07:06 PST

I read the revision marked version and came up with a small number of typos.
Also one small issue about why the 'unknown' job state was removed
from the list of 'not-completed' jobs returned by Get-Jobs. See point 5

Only typo number 8 is significant, because it doesn't indicate that the
syntax of the "printer-uri-supported" is multi-valued (though the
text is pretty clear and the table entry is 1setOf). The table of
contents will be automatically updated to be correct when the header
is fixed.

We should decide whether these are worth fixing or not.

(Page and line numbers are for the .pdf file without revision marks.)

1. page 17, section 2.4, lines 584-585, the sentence:

The entry in the directory that represents the IPP Printer object includes
the possibly many URIs for that Printer object values of one its attributes.

At least delete the last five words: "values of one its attributes"

Perhaps also change "the possibly many" to "one or more" to give:

The entry in the directory that represents the IPP Printer object includes
one or more URIs for that Printer object.

2. Page 17, section 2.4, lines 591-596: I like the example, but think that
each use of URI should have "Job" or "Printer" put in front of it, since
the paragraph switches from one to the other and back several times:

For example, consider a Printer object that supports both a communication
channel secured by the use of SSL3 (using an "https" schemed URI) and
another open communication channel that is not secured with SSL3 (using an
simple "http" schemed URI). If a client were to submit a job using the
secure URI, the Printer object would assign the new Job object a secure URI
as well. If a client were to submit a job using the open-channel URI, the
Printer would assign the new Job object an open-channel URI.


For example, consider a Printer object that supports both a communication
channel secured by the use of SSL3 (using an "https" schemed Printer URI)
and another open communication channel that is not secured with SSL3 (using
an simple "http" schemed Printer URI). If a client were to submit a job
using the secure Printer URI, the Printer object would assign the new Job
object a secure Job URI as well. If a client were to submit a job using
the open-channel Printer URI, the Printer would assign the new Job object
an open-channel Job URI.

3. Page 18, section 2.4, line 633: add "a" in front of "Job ID in:

Each Job object is also identified with Job ID which is a 32-bit, positive


Each Job object is also identified with a Job ID which is a 32-bit,
positive integer.

4. Page 35, section, line 1235, change "generated" to "generate" in:

which URI was used in the Print-Job Request to generated the new URI so
that the new URI references the correct access channel.

to give:

which URI was used in the Print-Job Request to generate the new URI so that
the new URI references the correct access channel.

5. Page 41, section, the 'unknown' (out-of-band) value was removed
from the list of jobs that the Get-Jobs operation returns when the
client supplies 'not-completed' or (omits the "which-jobs" operation
attribute). I think that 'unknown' should be put back in, possibly with
an indication of out-of-band, since it isn't in the sets of states described
in the "job-state" section.

So change lines 1459-1460, from:

'not-completed': This includes any Job object whose state is 'pending',
'processing', 'processing-stopped', or 'pending-held'.


'not-completed': This includes any Job object whose state is 'pending',
'processing', 'processing-stopped', 'pending-held', or 'unknown'
(which is an out-of-band value, see the beginning of section 4.1).

and lines 1522-1525 from:

- If the client requests all 'not-completed' Jobs (Jobs in the 'pending',
'processing', 'pending-held', and 'processing-stopped' states), then Jobs
are returned in relative chronological order of expected time to complete
(based on whatever scheduling algorithm is configured for the Printer


- If the client requests all 'not-completed' Jobs (Jobs in the 'pending',
'processing', 'pending-held', 'processing-stopped', and 'unknown' states),
then Jobs are returned in relative chronological order of expected time to
complete (based on whatever scheduling algorithm is configured for the
Printer object).

6. Page 70, section 4.2.10, line 2420, replace "shsort" with "short"

7. Page 73, section 4.3.1, line 2529, change:

This can guaranteed because ...


This can be guaranteed because ...

8. Page 85, section 4.4.1, line 2946, add "1setOf" to the syntax
of the "printer-uri-supported" attribute in the header to give:

4.4.1 printer-uri-supported (1setOf uri)

9. Page 85, section 4.4.1, line 2950-2951, add "of" in:

See the next section for a description "uri-security-supported" which is
the MANDATORY companion attribute to this "printer-uri-supported" attribute.


See the next section for a description of "uri-security-supported" which is
the MANDATORY companion attribute to this "printer-uri-supported" attribute.

or better:

See the next section for a description of the "uri-security-supported"
attribute which is a companion to this "printer-uri-supported" attribute.

10. Page 153, section 15.4.3, line 5195, change "Orientation-requested"
to "orientation-requested".
