IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> Security proposal

Re: IPP> Security proposal

Scott Lawrence (lawrence@agranat.com)
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 09:48:56 -0500

>>>>> "RT" == Randy Turner <rturner@sharplabs.com> writes:

RT> Currently, I don't know of any way an HTTP client has to direct an
RT> HTTP server to make a particular connection secure, and IPP needs
RT> either end to indicate this requirement.

If you're using 'secure' as 'confidential', then the client requests
that protection by making the connection on the SSL port (https:),
and indicates that it does not require confidentiality by making the
request on a non-SSL port.

The service (the printer or print server) probably cares more about
authentication than confidentiality for IPP, and it can get that on
a connection that is either confidentiality protected or not using
Digest Access Authentication.

Scott Lawrence           EmWeb Embedded Server       <lawrence@agranat.com>
Agranat Systems, Inc.        Engineering            http://www.agranat.com/