So I have downloaded new files, which at least have the correct byte count.
I removed all the old corrupt files.
They are in:
The files are
ipp-pro-971023.doc MS Word with no revision marks
ipp-pro-971023-rev.doc MS Word with revisions marks
ipp-pro-971023.txt text with no revision marks
The revisions are with respect to the October 14 release.
The changes are:
The revisions are for the following issues:
Peter Zehler's request for clarifications with no changes to protocol
A minor typo in the grammar.
Changes for notification removal -- none
Changes for charset and language: description of text, examples, table
of attributes for operations.
bug fix: I found that the naturalLanguage type couldn't be used with
both the value of the attribute attributes-natural-language and
to override one attribute value because in the former case the
value stands alone and in the latter case it combines with the
following text or name value. So I added a compoundValue value-tag
type whose value specifies the number of following "values" that
form a compound value. A name with a Canadian French override
would consists of 3 "values": a compoundValue whose value is 2,
a naturalLanguage whose value is "fr-CA" and the name value.
(This solution is slightly different from the one I put in yesterday's
version, but this is a more general solution that offers extensibility
for things like a charset override.)