Checklist for IPP I-D Document Quality Checking
=B7 Is the overall layout and organization of the text understandable for a
first time reader?=20
=B7 Are the concepts presented in a logical order?
=B7 Are new terms either explained when they first occur, or included in a
terminology annex?
=B7 Are terms used consistently throughout the text?
=B7 Are names, such as attribute names, used consistently, including
capitalization and hyphenation?
=B7 Are all internal cross-references to texts and figures correct?
=B7 Are all external references correct, up-to-date and valid? This include=
cross-references to our own documents (note that Security and Directory
Schema are now in the Model document). Are we trying to reference anything
that is not yet a standard or on the standards track?
=B7 Is the information about the editors up-to-date?
. Have we got the correct and latest version of IETF boiler plate texts?
=B7 Is line spacing used consistently?
=B7 Are tabs used consistently?
=B7 Can figures and tables be shown correctly in IETF ASCII format?
=B7 Are the line lengths, the number of lines per page, headers and footers
according the IETF guidelines?
. Are fonts used consistently? Only of interest for the DOC and PDF=
Carl-Uno Manros Principal Engineer - Advanced Printing Standards - Xerox Corporation 701 S. Aviation Blvd., El Segundo, CA, M/S: ESAE-231 Phone +1-310-333 8273, Fax +1-310-333 5514 Email: manros@cp10.es.xerox.com