IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP>MOD - Globally unique IDs

Re: IPP>MOD - Globally unique IDs

Ira Mcdonald x10962 (imcdonal@eso.mc.xerox.com)
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 07:56:11 PDT

Hi Roger,

Good catch! The IETF Job Mon MIB has some attempts at 'reasonably
unique' client job submission ID formats (which can also be supplied
in any of the defined formats by a helpful agent who notices that
no client job id was submitted with the job).

Xerox has over three years experience with some additional 'really
unique' client job submission ID formats in our private Job Mon MIB
work (we needed them for active job management - when you toss missiles
it's nice to hit the right job...)

Nearly every protocol at an application layer says things about
'global unique IDs', but not many define how to generate them
(including issues of character sets - IPP w/ UTF-8 may not have
that problem).

- Ira McDonald (outside consultant at Xerox)
High North Inc
PO Box 221
Grand Marais, MI 49839
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