With persistent connections a client can make as many requests and
receive as many responses as it wishes prior to the closing the
connection. NOTE: the server or the client may elect to close a
connection so both client and server should be prepared to handle
an unexpected connection close operation.
Daniel Cogswell wrote:
> I've been working on a prototype that uses the IPP and I have run into a
> question which I would be interested in hearing some comments on.
> I think of HTTP as not being a connection oriented protocol. I know I'm using
> the term loosely here, but, as I understand it, when you open up a connection
> using http you can write and then you can read once. You can't do the
> read/write read/write kind of activity. There is, however, the CreatePrintJob
> command in IPP which wants to maintain a connection. That is, it wants this
> read/write read/write connection. How does IPP plan to maintain the connection
> when it begins to append documents to the job?
> Dan Cogswell
> http://swan.penn.boulder.ibm.com
-- Randy Turner