For the record, here is my position.
IPP and JMP should use EXACTLY the same set of job states and the same
state reasons (the agreement reached at the last IPP/JMP
teleconference seemed reasonable to me). How are we to expect the PWG
to be taken seriously if we simultaneously create two specifications
with different job models? The rest of the world expects and deserves
a consistent set of standards from this working group! Please don't
respond again how easy it is to map between the two different state
models. I understand the mapping because I have been following the
discussions. But the rest of the world will not find the mapping to be
so obvious. If we learned anything from the Printer MIB interop
testing it is that interpreting ONE model correctly is hard enough.
Now, we are on the verge of generating two different models to
represent the same thing. It's time to find a compromise.