IPP Mail Archive: IPP> MOD - new model document

IPP> MOD - new model document

Scott Isaacson (SISAACSON@novell.com)
Thu, 08 May 1997 22:44:16 -0600

I have posted a new version of the model document.


It is not in very good shape. I am about 3/4 of the way through, but I ran
out of
time in order to post in a reasonable amount of time for the 5/9
teleconference. With some many revision marks, it is really hard to read
right now.

Notice I went from version 2.2 to a dated version (970509) - this will help
in making it an I-D more quickly.

Some highlights:

1. Left terminology in section 2, moved most of conformance to section 7.
This is still not as clean as I would like it to be.

2. I tried to do a lot with the Job Templates section. I added
xxx-supported and xxx-available. I have completely left out xxx-capable for
right now

3. I started to clean up the attributes section.
6.2 is for Job Template attributes
6.3 is for Job attributes
6.4 is for Document
6.5 is for Printer

Notice how I started to work on the first few job template attributes (I
only did three or four) please give feed back on how that is turning out.

3. Tom fixed a lot of language in the Operations section. I just got
Roger's write up and I have not put that in yet on SendDoc.

4. Carl-Uno has some suggested edits which I just got and I have not rolled
those in yet.

The plan from here on out.

1. Review the doc as it is on Friday 5/9 (the PDF with line numbers please)
2. Don't worry about little edits, just the main structure for right now
3. I will then redo the document and issue a real I-D (i'll post
the PDF and DOC versions with line numbers)
4. This will be the doc to review in San Diego.
