IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP>MOD - Conformance -Reply

Re: IPP>MOD - Conformance -Reply

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 12:02:53 PDT

At 08:57 04/22/97 PDT, Scott Isaacson wrote:
>My comments...
>>>> Roger K Debry <rdebry@us.ibm.com> 04/21/97 01:46pm >>>
>> o If the client supplies an attribute group that is implemented
>> by the Printer, the Printer shall respond with all currently
>> supported values for each implemented attribute in the group.
>> It shall not respond for unimplemented attributes in the
>> group. If the value of an attribute is unknown for some
>> reason, the Printer shall respond with the value "unknown" for
>> that attribute.
>o If the client supplies an attribute group that is not implemented
> by the Printer, the Printer shall respond with no attributes or attribute
> values for that group.

ISSUE: at present there is no distinguishing syntax between an attribute
and an attribute group, so that the Printer that received a query for
a token that it doesn't implement, has no idea whether it is a group
or an attribute.

Without any distinguishing syntax, the Printer can only assume its an
attribute (or like UNIX file system, say its a directory or a file, I
can't tell which). So the error code could be:


instead of


(Or we could keep the error code simpler as the second one and just explain
in documentation and helpd text that the error could be an unimplemented group.

ISSUE: can we add groups as extensions in the future, or are the current
groups fixed? If fixed, then we could require a Printer to know about
all the groups. On the other hand, a future version of the Protocol might
add new groups, and so the idea of a fixed set of groups just seems to be
a bad idea, unless we simplify to a very small set of very general groups.

So the bottom line and simplest is to just require a Printer to handle
an unimplemented token (whether a group or an attribute) as if it were
an unimplemented attribute.

>Also, we need to talk about extensions:
>o In a query, if the client supplies an attribute group that is implemented
> by the Printer, the Printer shall respond with all currently
> supported values for each implemented attribute in the group. Since
> the printer may implement attributes for that group that the client
> might not expect to be in that group, the client may choose to
> ignore any attributes returned as part of that group. The client shall
> not fail on any response to a query.
>Have we decided what to do in the case where the client does not
>supply any attributes or attribute groups in a query?
>> Sending a Query or Print request, an IPP client need not specify
>> any attributes.
>If a client does not specify any attributes in a Query, the Printer responds
>will ALL implemented attributes.

No, lines 752:755 specify the default groups that a Printer shall respond
with if the client does not submit any attributes or groups in a query.
The list is the useful set of attributes (which will be a constant
source of debate).

ISSUE: But we do need a way for a client to query "all" attributes supported.

Should we add "all" as a new (super) group?

Or is it simpler to abandon the idea of a default set of groups, so that
all is requested by the client by not specifying any attributes or groups?
(as Scott suggested above).
