IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> MOD - I've posted some issues: isstnh03.doc .pdf

Re: IPP> MOD - I've posted some issues: isstnh03.doc .pdf

Scott Isaacson (Scott_Isaacson@novell.com)
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 10:09:09 -0700

A simple way to solve this issue is to do the following:

1. The Print Request comes in to the Printer
2. The Printer "creates" the Job objecting using:
- Job template attributes in the print request
- Defaults for attributes that are not in the print request
3. Once a Job object is created, it has a FULL set of attributes
4. When a Get Attributes is made, all attributes come back
and there is NO info about which attributes were actually set
in the Print Request and which attributes were defaulted by the

One issue that arrises is: What if a job is pending and while it is
pending the admin changes the defaults for the Job? Does the
end user want the defualts in place when the job was submitted
or the defaults when it actually goes from pending to processing?
The above rules (scenarios) says that the end user gets the defaults
in place at submission time. That is GREAT for now. We plan
to add modify at some later time


>>> JK Martin <jkm@underscore.com> 03/20/97 03:11am >>>

I'm confused about Issues #79 and #81 in your document. If you are
proposing the inclusion of the "fan-in" concept in the IPP model,
then isn't the Printer *required* to add default attributes to the job?
