IPP Mail Archive: IPP> MOD - Comments on printer-state, printer-state-reasons viz a

IPP> MOD - Comments on printer-state, printer-state-reasons viz a

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 21:33:01 PST

I've posted some comments on the printer-state, printer-state-reasons, and
printer-state-as-text IPP attributes:


-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 20992 Feb 20 05:17
-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 19424 Feb 20 05:18

Bob and I are proposing a drastically reduced set of printer states:
unknown, idle, processing (Bob prefers: printing), and mixed.

The printer-state-reasons attribute indicates:

(1) orthogonical states, such as printer disabled from accepting Print
and printer paused (by operator) so maps cleanly to ISO DPA
(2) printer conditions (binary change events from the Printer MIB).

I've copied the pmp list as well, to see if they agree with the idea
of how to represent all of the Printer MIB binary change events, both
critical and warning as values of the Printer's printer-state-reasons attribute.

Please send comments to the ipp list with "MOD -" as the first 5 characters
of the
subject line.
