IPP Mail Archive: IPP>REQ - A call for issues -Reply

IPP>REQ - A call for issues -Reply

Harry Lewis (harryl@vnet.ibm.com)
Thu, 23 Jan 97 08:12:37 MST

Sorry for the multi level embed... my comment is at the bottom, HRL>

> 1) Is the cost per page tied to the media it is printed on?
> Do we define some standard for determining the cost
> of a page.
> answer: I believe that we need to allow the people setting
> up and running IPP printers to decide how they want to
> charge for printing, and be able to show an end user
> what the cost per page is. This will certainly depend on
> media, but may also depend on use of color, and other
> printer options.

SAI> Do you envision a "cost-per-page" attribute that is set to some
SAI> value like "$0.32" or some set of attributes that are queried and
SAI> evaluated and some cost per page number is generated?
SAI> If you envision the later then I say that this is beyond the scope

RKD> I envision a cost-per-page attribute that is set when printer
RKD is configured.

HRL> As mentioned in the opening comment, cost will depend on (among
HRL> other things) whether or not color is used. I recommend any such
HRL> cost per page attribute be at least granular enough to
HRL> distinguish between
HRL> A. Black
HRL> C. 5th Color Used (probably better terminology needed here).
HRL> It can be argued that this is way too notchy since a splash
HRL> of color costs the same as a bucket full on the page, but I
HRL> suggest, except for very high end systems that can meter
HRL> supplies, this will actually be the accounting paradigm.
HRL> Overall, I tend to agree with Scott that cost per page is out
HRL> of scope for now.

Harry Lewis - IBM Printing Systems