IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Albuquerque RSCPs

IPP> Albuquerque RSCPs

Don Wright (don@lexmark.com)
20 Dec 96 15:08:32 EST

Here's the current list. Looks like a good .4 and PWG
turn-out. December 27th is the last day for reservations.
Attendees with no PING to me by Dec 27th will be charged an
extra $10 per meeting day for the meeting room, etc. to cover
the cost of the last minute changes to the hotel setup.



Name 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat
Adams, Chuck A-PWG PWG PWG-D
Batchelder, Brian A .4 .4 .3 .3-D
Bergman, Ron A PWG PWG PWG D
Carter, Keith A PWG PWG-D
Caruso, Angelo A PWG PWG PWG-D
Copeland, Jeff A PWG PWG PWG-D
Debry, Roger A-PWG PWG D
Dozier, Mabry A PWG PWG PWG-D
Farrell, Lee A .4 .4 PWG PWG PWG-D
Hastings, Tom A PWG PWG PWG-D
Herriott, Bob A PWG-D
Hirata, Osamu A .4 .4 PWG PWG PWG-D
Isaacson, Scott A PWG PWG PWG-D
Kellerman, Dave A-PWG PWG PWG-D
LeClair, Greg A .4 .4 PWG PWG PWG-D
Lewis, Harry A PWG PWG PWG-D
Lindemuth, Paul A .4 .4-D
Manros, Carl-Uno A PWG D
McComiskie, Bob A .4 .4-D
Morita, Tetsuya A PWG PWG-D
Myran, Mark A .3 .3-D
Nagasaka, Fumio A .4 .4 PWG PWG PWG-D
Niwa, Yuichi A PWG PWG-D
Pentecost, Bob A PWG PWG PWG-D
Rowley, Stuart A PWG PWG PWG-D
Scheiderich, Walt A-.4 .4-D
Setterbo, Bob A PWG PWG PWG-D
Spaulding, Lance A .4 .4-D
Stanley, Bill Sat .4 .4 .3 .3-D
Stein, Larry Sat .4 .4 .3 .3-D
Wagner, Bill A .4 .4 PWG PWG PWG D
Walker, Jim A PWG PWG-D
Warner, Andy A .4 .4-D
Wellens, Chris A PWG PWG PWG-D
Wright, Don A .4 .4 PWG PWG D
Yamamuro, Satoshi A PWG PWG PWG-D
Young, Lloyd A PWG PWG PWG D
Yuki, Atsushi A-.4 .4 PWG PWG PWG-D
Zehler, Peter A PWG PWG PWG-D

.3 4 4
.4 14 14
PWG 27 31 25

* Don Wright (don@lexmark.com) Lexmark International *
* Manager Strategic Alliances *
* 740 New Circle Rd Phone: 606-232-4808 *
* Lexington, KY 40511 Fax: 606-232-6740 *