IPP Mail Archive: RE: IPP> Some observations from the IPP BOF in the IETF

RE: IPP> Some observations from the IPP BOF in the IETF

Babak Jahromi (babakj@MICROSOFT.com)
Mon, 16 Dec 1996 20:06:34 -0800

>7) Our concept of using HTTP to avoid Firewalls seem to be flawed. I spoke
>to several security specialists about it and they called us naive. They
>pointed out that any firewall provider worth its salt would use IPP as a
>good excuse to sell their customers a new version of their firewall -
>whichever way we do it.

Could you be more specific here? If we stick to the basic HTTP, how can
the firewall provider tell what the HTTP command really transporting?
And how can they convince their customers that they need a new firewall
that works better by poking into the HTTP commands to search for IPP
