I've attached some IPP FAX Status slides (14K .zip file, 8 slides) that
Lloyd McIntyre will present to the Internet FAX WG meeting next Monday at
the IETF in London. I've talked with Marty Joel, Peter Zehler, and John
Pulera and updated the IPPFAX Time Line (slide 2) to the new dates agreed
* Proposed PWG standard: October 2001
* Bake Off: April 2002
* Updated Final PWG standard: July 2002
and a few minor other changes to reflect what happened at the IPP FAX
meeting this past Wednesday (8/1/01).
Also Lloyd McIntyre requested that we add a slide 5 after the UIF slide that
shows the UIF C and UIF S profiles that we are going to register. He felt
that the Internet FAX folks would be interested in how our registered UIF
profiles would differ from the TIFF/FX profiles.
The files are also down-loaded at:
Here is the plain text of the updated slides:
Slide 1:
Status of IPP FAX
presented by Lloyd McIntyre, Xerox
at the Internet FAX WG meeting at
IETF51, August 5-10, 2001, London
IPP FAX Time Line
Slide 2:
* Started IETF discussions summer 1998
* Printer Working Group standard project
* Started September 2000
* Originally called "High Quality Document Distribution" (QUALDOCS)
* Renamed to IPP FAX to help recognition
* Proposed PWG standard: October 2001
* Bake Off: April 2002
* Updated Final PWG standard: July 2002
Slide 3:
What is IPP FAX?
* Immediate, reliable, secure Internet transfer of high-quality
Universal Image Format (UIF) (enhanced TIFF/FX) documents between a Sender
and a Receiver
* Uses the standards track Internet Printing Protocol (IPP/1.1), RFC
2911 and 2910, September 2000
* Most Printer vendors currently shipping IPP
* Internationalization: document charset and language identified
* Immediate capability query, prompt job accept response, and
subsequent printing completed notification
* IPP is layered on HTTP/1.1 sessions with default port 631
* Uses Transport Layer Security (TLS, RFC 2246)
Slide 4:
UIF (Universal Image Format)
* Higher UIF conformance requirements for each TIFF/FX Profile: S, F,
J, C, L, M:
* 200, 300, 600 DPI REQUIRED for B/W
* 200, 300 DPI REQUIRED for color
* 200, 300, 400 DPI REQUIRED for profile M
* Resolution not constrained
* ImageWidth not constrained
* MIME type - self describing subset of:
* tiff/image; application=uif; profile=s,f,j,c,l,mcfjls
Slide 5:
UIF S and C Profiles
(& (image-file-structure=TIFF-minimal)
(dpi-xyratio=1) )
(& (image-file-structure=TIFF-limited-uif)
(dpi-xyratio=1) )
Slide 6:
IPP FAX Protocol
* Get-Printer-Attributes request/response operation
* query for profiles and CONNEG options supported
* media supported, media loaded, resolutions, etc.
* Print-Job operation to submit UIF document
* End-to-end document transmission with prompt response: all data
received, all attributes validated
* IPPGET Event Notifications
* Events for each page and last page printed
* Either Sender polls or Receiver sends events
* Reliable: uses IPP/1.1 protocol
Slide 7:
IPP FAX Specifications, 7/27/01
* Universal Image Format (UIF)
* ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/QUALDOCS/uif-spec-06.pdf
* IPP FAX Protocol (IFX)
* ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/QUALDOCS/ifx-spec-06.pdf
* IPP/1.1 Model and Semantics (RFC 2911)
* IPP/1.1 Encoding and Transport (RFC 2910)
* IPP Event Notifications and Subscriptions
* draft-ietf-ipp-not-spec-06.txt
* IPPGET Delivery Method for Event Notifications
* draft-ietf-ipp-notify-get-04.txt
Slide 8:
IPPFAX contacts
* IPPFAX Web Page: http://www.pwg.org/qualdocs/index.html
* To send to ifx@pwg.org mailing list, you must first subscribe:
* To subscribe to the ifx@pwg.org, send mail to majordomo@pwg.org:
* 1) leave the subject line blank
* 2) put the following two lines in the message body:
subscribe ifx
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