IFX Mail Archive: IFX> default conneg & more detailed UI

IFX> default conneg & more detailed UIF profile summary

From: John Pulera (jpulera@minolta-mil.com)
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 22:35:30 EDT

  • Next message: Hastings, Tom N: "RE: IFX> default conneg & more detailed UIF profile summary"

    Per my action item from the Portland meeting, I've put together a document
        1) Proposes a simplified means of content negotiation whereby the
    transfer of Conneg would be optional
        2) Provides a detailed summary of UIF Profile requirements and how they
    differ from TIFF-FX profiles

    I propose that we add the contents of this document to the UIF

    Please take a moment to review:


    John Pulera

    John Pulera
    Minolta Systems Laboratory
    (949)737-4520 x348

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