IFX Mail Archive: IFX> Comunication from the IESG on QUALDOCS Charter

IFX> Comunication from the IESG on QUALDOCS Charter

Richard Shockey (rshockey@ix.netcom.com)
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 15:38:35 -0600

I've received a communication from the IESG on the status of our proposed

In general, the IESG believes that we have some interesting ideas and it is
willing to charter the work. In their view however, we should first develop
the Goals and Requirements document and then amend the charter for the
actual protocol.

Of particular concern to the IESG was the concept of "legal" identity
exchange and "proof of delivery". The Security Area Directors are
particularly concerned about the level of proof we might propose based on
the current state of the art. We may need some more debate on what these
terms actually mean in this context.

Consequently I've paired down the proposed charter a bit and I'd like some
additional feedback on any other concepts that should be included or
excluded, for that matter.

We already have a draft Goals document available for discussion so work can

So... please take a look ...

Proposed Charter:


Chair(s): Richard Shockey
<rshockey@ix.netcom.com> [PROPOSED]

Applications Area Director(s):
Keith Moore <moore+iesg@cs.utk.edu>
Patrik Faltstrom <paf@swip.net>

Area Advisor
Keith Moore <moore+iesg@cs.utk.edu>

Mailing lists:
General Discussion: ifx@pwg.org

To Subscribe:


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Description of Working Group:

The transmission and reception of final form documents (i.e. presented in a
format that describes their final rendering) is an essential global
communications service.

Several protocols and services have been developed over the years to
facilitate document transmission, including the GSTN Fax service [ITU
-T.30]. Within the IETF several protocols have been developed that
facilitate document transmission, including RFC 2305 and RFC 2532 [Store
and Forward Internet Fax] and the Internet Print Protocol [IPP].

Problem Statement:

Each of these services has one or more severe limitations or restrictions
that may not be suitable for all document transmissions.

Among those limitations that could be applied to one or more of the above

1. Limitations on Quality (resolution or color transmission)
2. Ability to repudiate request for receipt confirmation (MDN - DSN)
3. Lack of clear and unambiguous identification of sender and recipient
4. Lack of ability to adequately determine the success or failure of a
document transmission during processing
5. Inability to establish reliable knowledge or negotiation of recipient
6. Inability to satisfy legal as well as general custom and practice for
document transmission technologies, as typically applied to GSTN Fax.
7. Inability to establish transaction security, authenticity and
confidentiality of document transmission

Work Group Objectives:

The purpose of the work group will be to investigate current work within
the IETF and develop Goals and Requirements that can satisfy the
requirements for reliable document transmission with a high degree of
fidelity and reliability.

Study will be given to the requirements of 3rd party document delivery
service providers.

QUALDOCS Goals and Requirements will build on the work of RFC 2542
Terminology and Goals for Internet Fax.

The working group will closely coordinate its activities with other IETF
Work Groups, including the Internet Print Protocol working group [IPP] and
the Internet Fax working group [FAX] as well other document transmission
related standards bodies and related work groups, notably the ITU-T Study
Group 8. The group will take note of other areas and Work Groups within the
IETF that may have direct bearing on reliable document delivery.

Relevant areas include:

- Security, Authentication and Encryption (TLS, etc)
- Sender Identification (vCard)
- RFC 2301 File Formats
- Digital Signatures and Certificates

Goals and Milestones:

May 2000 Submit Internet Draft of Goals and Objectives for Quality
Document Distribution for publication as a Standards Track RFC.

July 2000 Re-submit QUALDOCS Charter to include Protocol Development for
IESG approval.

Richard Shockey
Shockey Consulting LLC
8045 Big Bend Blvd. Suite 110
St. Louis, MO 63119
Voice 314.918.9020
eFAX Fax to EMail 815.333.1237 (Preferred for Fax)
INTERNET Mail & IFAX : rshockey@ix.netcom.com
GSTN Fax 314.918.9015
MediaGate iPost VoiceMail and Fax 800.260.4464

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