IFX Mail Archive: RE: Word docs

RE: Word docs

FREE-FAX New York (122124144146@freefax.net)
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 15:33:24 -0500


> 1. Internet fax at person A dials into ISP. Gets hooked up and =
> 2. Internet fax A sends request for capabilities to internet fax B
> 3. Internet fax B is NOT online. Ooops. Now what


One could use SIP (RFC2543) to determine where the user "is".


> 4. Or Internet B is online (we happen to catch it while it is dialed =
> so Internet fax B responds with
> G3 or G4 then waits
> 5. Internet fax A now sends first page in TIFF wrapped G3 and waits =
> response
> or continues to send until the job is complete (I am not sure yet how =
> part works under IPP)

Page by page is what users expect and prefer because but for Internet =
transmission it's better to send a complete file.

> 6. Internet Fax B receives and sends "Okay got it" as the response.
> 7. Machines "disconnect" from each other, but may or may not hang up =
> phone line.
> You should see the key issue is the receiving fax machine (or any
> other Internet device ) that is not full time on the network.
Couldn't agree more


Above, you're describing T.38 -- tunneling T.30 inside IP. This is
nonsense over a dialup link. =20

T38 may be nonsense, but not for this reason. Just depends on how long =
the receiving device stays connected. Plenty of individuals in the US =
and corporations in other countries,( too expensensive for individuals) =
leave dial-up connections on indefinitely.=20

Specifically the overhead of IP combined
with the complexities of finding the remote user's IP address make
this scenario highly unlikely. =20

Finding a remote user's IP Address really isn't so very difficult with =
the correct software at the user's end. If you operate internationaly =
you must consider dial-up, usually it's the ONLY scenario, and its what =
70+ million fax users have today.

T.38 is defined by the ITU and is
available from http://www.itu.int

More likely is plain RFC2305-style fax -- attach a TIFF'd image to
an email message and email it.

It's OK when the sender is using email, for IFAx device to IFax you =
really need to get closer to T30 fax to really satisfy the users.


> a. What do we do if Internet device B is not online at the time =
> device A "calls".
> b. Can a proxy of some sort (i.e. an IPP intermediate server =
computer (I
> didn't want to write a server server))

It can be done without a server, but it's better with one, you just need =
the right software


> help resolve this issue?
> c. Do we want to instead require an IPP enabled Internet fax be =
> at all times (thereby being called a=20

Best not exclude the at least 50 million fax users who will not be =
'online at all times' for the foreseeable future.

> fulltime fax) or are there other solutions

Yes there are other solutions
