> >But the original name was IPP2FAX of something along thoselines, and I
> wasn't under the >impression we had moved all that far from thatdirection.
> There was some discussion in >Minnesota about the name, and I went away
> thinking that we were trying to make better >faxing and a smaller
> implementation of IPP to make that
> >possible. If this also helps simplify the remote printing solution,
> great!
> Well the goal is the "reliable transmission and reception of documents
> rendered in their
> original form." etc. see below for other issues
> We really should not be talking about a "smaller implementation of IPP"
> thats really not the case. IPP is very very flexible in how it can be
> implemented. Carl-Uno Manros the IPP Chair demonstrated at the IETF
> meeting
> a total IPP implementation in print server form (with Ethernet) that was
> no
> larger than a pack of cigarettes. The IPP documentation can be
> intimidating
> to review, at first, but it quickly becomes clear that it is not necessary
> to implement every single feature available.
*** I see your point. Why don't we just use IPP then? I thought we
we don't need all of IPP...so isn't the result a subset...i.e.
"smaller" footprint?
By the way I can do what Carl-Uno was holding up in Silicon and less
than a
couple hundred milliwatts (SANS disk and 10MB of memory). We're
about 100 microns on a side.
> If you do not wish to support certain features.. fine. The exchange of
> supported values and attributes is what is important. The question is what
> values and attributes need to be augmented or their behaivor modified to
> satisify our goals.