IFX Mail Archive: Re: IPP2IFAX BOF and Name Change

Re: IPP2IFAX BOF and Name Change

Stuart_McRae (Stuart_McRae@lotus.ssw.com)
Mon, 1 Mar 1999 06:50:35 -0500

>I'm traveling this week.. but some quick input here could be helpful.

I personally have no problem with trying to recast the effort into responding
to some form of business need, rather than on emulating existing fax semantics
- since that seems to me what is being said.

How about: Reliable Document Delivery?

Reliable (i.e. the user is able to rely on it) seems to me to be what this is
about. Right?

Documents seem to be accepted parlance for the content that requires what we
are doing (formal communication).

Delivery (to a printer) is the scope.

I think we can then define Reliable as encompassing the necessary end user
comfort levels, and organisational service levels, for immediacy, surety of
receipt, legal admissibility, authentication, confidentiality, etc.
