IDS> Next Steps For IDS/NAP Study

Date: Fri Jun 06 2008 - 18:31:57 EDT

  • Next message: "IDS> Reminder: IDS Conference Call, Thursday June 17, 1:00 PM EDT"

    As was proposed in that last telecon, we are going to concentrate initially
    on the Microsoft Network Access Protection (NAP) protocol. From my initial
    review of the specifications, it appears that the Statement Of Health (SOH)
    and the Windows Security Health (WSH) are the core protocols. (This was
    also mentioned by Nancy in the telecon.) There appears to be a significant
    amount of MS OS specific parameters in these documents and it may be
    necessary to define an extension (or extensions) to the protocol for

    I would like all participants in this effort to review these two documents
    prior to the next telecon and provide a list of questions or issues
    relative to the applicability of the protocol to a Multi-Function device.
    If a Microsoft representative is at the face to face meeting or is able to
    call in, we can then present the list. Otherwise, I will send the list to
    Erhan to pass on to the appropriate Microsoft group.

    The second item we need to accomplish prior to the F2F meeting, is to
    understand the required NAP protocol stack. This should be an easier task
    than the first, so if you cannot do the first look at this!

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