PWG August 2020 Face-to-Face Meeting - SummaryAugust 25, 2020

The PWG held its August 2020 Virtual Face-to-Face Meeting on August 18-20, 2020 via Zoom teleconferences. Representatives from Canon, Canonical, Google, High North, HP Inc., Konica Minolta, Kyocera, Lakeside Robotics, Lexmark, Qualcomm, Ricoh, TIC, TCS and Xerox attended the meetings, among others. Attendees reviewed work in progress, including drafts of a number of in-progress specifications, and discussed liaisons with partner groups. Here is a summary of the proceedings.

PWG Plenary

The PWG sessions began on the first day with the PWG Chair presenting the PWG Plenary. We reviewed the overall state of the PWG, its programs and initiatives, and briefly discussed upcoming face-to-face meeting scheduling. We noted that there are currently 412 printers certified under the PWG's IPP Everywhere™ Self Certification program, with more certifications in progress from multiple vendors with the IPP Everywhere™v1.1 Update 1 self certification test suite recently approved. We discussed the PWG Steering Committee's activities and initiatives, including its 2020 goals, the status of Process 4.0 and updated policies, public relations efforts, recently approved documents, and process document updates. Officers from the IDS Workgroup and IPP Workgroup summarized their Workgroup's current status, and PWG Liaison Officers reported on the status of our partners' work in Trusted Computing Group (TCG), IETF, Linux Foundation OpenPrinting Workgroup, Mopria Alliance, ISO JTC1 WG12, and INCITS.

Complete minutes are available here:

Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) Workgroup

On the first day, Ira McDonald (IPP WG Co-Chair) and Mike Sweet (IPP WG Secretary) surveyed the status of current IPP Workgroup works in progress, noting that there is still the intention to update the charter in 2020. IPP Everywhere v1.1 and IPP Everywhere Self Certification v1.1 are both approved, and IPP Everywhere v1.1 Update 1 self-certification tool sets were recently approved. Aveek Basu presented a status update of the Linux OpenPrinting Workgroup's Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020 projects in progress. After a break, we discussed the IPP INFRA and Cloud Proxy Registration initiative, then reviewed the latest draft of Job Accounting with IPP v1.0, and discussed user identity. With some extra time available, we had a productive discussion on the IPP Everywhere Value Proposition, where we talked about opportunities for new areas for testing, marketing / evangelization, and other vectors of effort to pursue.

On the second day, after the IDS Workgroup session, the group briefly discussed the latest draft of IPP Encrypted Jobs and Documents v1.0 and prototyping efforts. We then reviewed the latest draft of IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0. Significant changes were made to the latest draft including the new Job Proof and Suspend feature and its "proof-copies" attribute. A number of grammatical issues were identified to be changed in the next draft, as well as a problem with changes to how the "job-password" attribute was defined, which will be backed out. The document is now targeting Q1 2021, and the editor pledged to make a new draft available soon to restart review and make progress.

On the third day, the IPP Workgroup started with a review of IPP Production Printing Extensions v2.0, which is (or was) nearing completion. We then discussed a feature issue pertaining to how a Client can express intent to specify the orientation and position of the Media Sheet on roll media. The group discussed whether the solution for that might best be solved by new IPP attributes or by additional keywords for "imposition-template", which is now defined in Production Printing Extensions v2.0. We then reviewed the latest proposal to how the new "print-quality-col" Job Template attribute and its members might be defined in the next revision of IPP Driverless Printing Extensions v2.0. Consensus was reached and documented on a wiki page on the PWG's ippsample GitHub project. A new draft will be posted soon with this new definition.

After a break, we discussed the PWG's 3D Printing liaisons and the guidance we will be providing to our partners. We started with a discussion of a nascent effort to create a 3D Print Protection Profile, similar to the HCD PP being worked on by members of the IDS WG. We then continued to discuss how to bridge the "perception gaps" between what IPP 3D provides and what the industry is asking for, and we discussed updating our slides and topic page with more interaction models and other diagrams to paint a more complete picture. We concluded the IPP WG sessions with next steps.

Complete minutes are available here:

Imaging Device Security (IDS) Workgroup

At the start of the second day, Alan Sukert (IDS WG Chair) led the IDS Workgroup status and progress discussion. 4. Went through the minutes of the HCD iTC meetings held on 5/28/2020, 6/11/2020, 6/25/2020, 7/9/2020, 7/23/2020 and 8/6/2020. The first internal draft of the HCD cPP was sent out for HCD iTC review on 7/21 and it received 46 comments. The group briefly reviewed and discussed the comment review process. Then we discussed what Conformance Claim what would be used for the cPP. This issue was the main topic in two months' worth of iTC meetings. The core disagreement involved whether to include Security Assurance Requirements (SARs) for EAL2, which was desired by some because many European countries require EAL2 certifications, or whether the cPP should be limited to SARs for EAL1. Consensus in the iTC wasn't achieved, so it was put to a vote. The results of the vote showed a 2:1 preference for limiting it to EAL1. Alan then reviewed the HCD cPP timetable.

The group then shifted to a further discussion of the new ETSI EN 303 645 V2.1.1 (2020-06) Cyber Security for Consumer Internet of Things Standard. Many network connectable printers targeting home or SMB markets would seem to clearly fall within the scope of this standard. Next, Ira presented a set of slides on his proposed schedule and content for his HCD Security Guidelines document. The group concluded with a discussion involving the NIAP Cybersecurity Framework, one of the standards activities Ira had mentioned in his discussion over a year ago. Al had analyzed this framework for Xerox in Sep 2019 and believed it would be valuable for the group to revisit the subject. The meeting concluded with next steps.

Complete minutes are available here:

Next PWG Face-to-Face Meeting

The next PWG Face-to-Face meeting will be November 10-12, 2020 via Zoom teleconference. Please check the PWG Meetings page for updates on plans for upcoming meetings.