WBMM> Operations

WBMM> Operations

Wagner,William WWagner at NetSilicon.com
Wed Aug 27 13:37:00 EDT 2003

Considering what  I  was calling  the "connections" as the  initial operations requested in the  Post by  the  managed  object, these  operations  would  be called;
Get  Schedule  (arguments  include  ID  of  device  or proxy  [which represents  a  group  of  devices])
(Accept) Periodic report
(Accept) Alert Report  (notification)
 The schedule  would  consist  of  one  or  more of  what we have been previously calling  operation  requests  (e.g.,  get  element), qualified  by time,  condition and (to accommodate  proxies)  actual  managed  object  ID.  The time could be immediate,  in which  case  you  would have the exchange:
Managed Object                                                                                     Manager
Open connection or  send initial mail  message
                                ----------------------Get Schedule------------------------------>
                              <----Schedule  (get-element X, device y, immediate)---
                              -----Accept  Report  (element X value, device y)--------->
                              <---------------------------Report  Accepted------------------------
                               ----------------------Get Schedule------------------------------>
                               <-------Schedule (send next Get  Schedule  [time], end)-----
close connection  or  cease POP polling
Perhaps  we  could also  allow that  a Schedule can be the response  to  an Accept  Report. That would simplify an exchange to:
Managed Object                                                                                     Manager
                                ----------------------Get Schedule------------------------------>
                              <----Schedule  (get-element X, device y, immediate)---
                              -----Accept  Report  (element X value, device y)--------->
                              <----Schedule  (get-element Z, device y, immediate)---
                              -----Accept  Report  (element X value, device y)--------->
                               <-------Schedule (send next Get  Schedule  [time], end)-----
I   am uncertain  if  we  can represent  the  operation  commands contained  within the Get  Schedule  operation response in the same was as  the  Get  Schedule, Accept  Report and Accept Alert operations.
Bill  Wagner
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