SM> Initial version of Counter working draft and an updated schema

SM> Initial version of Counter working draft and an updated schema

Zehler, Peter PZehler at
Tue Aug 3 09:35:31 EDT 2004



I have posted my first version of the counters working draft that was
created from the table we had been using.  Have a look and be ready to
comment when we meet in Montreal.  Of course I would appreciate ANY comments
in any form.  It is not clear to me how I should name the working draft
since the work initially started in WIMS but the content is really an
extension to the Semantic Model.  I had to name it something so I based the
name on a Semantic Model counter extension.  This will be one of the first
things we will fix.  There are about 16 issues highlighted throughout the 30
page document.  Although the document is 30 pages 9 of those are boilerplate
and another 10 are various tables.  The remaining pages have 6 figures so
the content is still a quick read at this point.

Figure 5 and 6 did not work properly when I generated the PDF.  To see them
you will have to look in the word version.


The working draft is available at:
<>   (and .doc)


The schema is available at:




Peter Zehler 
Xerox Innovation Group 
Email: PZehler at 
Voice:    (585) 265-8755 
FAX:      (585) 422-7961 
US Mail: Peter Zehler
              Xerox Corp. 
              800 Phillips Rd. 
              M/S 128-25E 
              Webster NY, 14580-9701 


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