SM> REMINDER: Next SM meeting will be 8/28/03

SM> REMINDER: Next SM meeting will be 8/28/03

Zehler, Peter PZehler at
Thu Aug 28 11:54:52 EDT 2003

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Zehler, Peter  
> Sent:	Thursday, August 28, 2003 11:29 AM
> To:	PWG Semantic Model WG (E-mail)
> Subject:	REMINDER: Next SM meeting will be 8/28/03
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Zehler, Peter  
> Sent:	Tuesday, August 19, 2003 1:02 PM
> To:	PWG Semantic Model WG (sm at
> Subject:	Next SM meeting will be 8/28/03
> All,
> The next teleconference for the Semantic Model will be on August 28.   My
> proposed agenda is
> 1)	Status of JobX, Overrides and  Document Object specifications
> 2)	Status of PWG Semantic Model
> 3)	Status of PWG Schema
> 		a.	Changes
> 		b.	Release update strategy and naming
> 4)	Review issues raised (list included below)
> 5)	Other items?
> 6)	Next steps
> Please send me any additional items, comments or issues.
> Pete
> 			Peter Zehler
> 			XEROX
> 			Xerox Innovation Group
> 			Email: PZehler at
> 			Voice:    (585) 265-8755
> 			FAX:      (585) 422-7961
> 			US Mail: Peter Zehler
> 			        Xerox Corp.
> 			        800 Phillips Rd.
> 			        M/S 128-25E
> 			        Webster NY, 14580-9701
> You are invited to join a meeting on the PWG Semantic Model. Meeting
> details are listed below.
> Meeting Date: 08/28/2003
> Meeting Time: 1:00 PM Eastern (11:00 AM Pacific) 
> Instant Meeting Details:
> -------------------------------
> USA Toll Free Number: 877-707-6056
> Participant Passcode: 437874
> Instant Net Conference Details:
> -------------------------------
> Meeting Number:          747275324
> Meeting Passcode:        PwgSm
> Meeting Host:            Pete Zehler
> Join Instructions for Instant Net Conference:
> 1. Join the meeting now:
> 2. Enter your name
> 3. Agree to the Terms & Conditions and click Proceed.
> 1. Go to
> 2. Type in the Meeting Number
> 3. Type in the Meeting Passcode (if one was provided)
> 4. Choose "Conference" and click Proceed
> 5. If you are a new user, click on "New Users" to check your system 
> and download the software and go back to Join Net Conference page
> 6. Enter your name
> 7. Agree to the Terms & Conditions and click Proceed.
> Current PWG Semantic Model/Schema Issues:
> 1)	ProcessingActual.xsd has a duplicate definition of OutputBinActual
> in JobProcessingActual - I pulled it out and it was fine in sqc 
> 			<PZ>Duplicate was supposed to be
> "OutputDeciceActual".  Fixed in all sub-schemas.</PZ>
> 2)	the PWG SM schemas liberally use <xs:any namespace="##any"/>.  The
> sqc apparently dislikes using ##any for the namepace wildcard if the
> xs:any is in a sequence with any other elements.  If I switch this to
> <xs:any namespace="##other"/>, the problem goes away.  I couldn't find any
> documentation on why this is a problem, but the sqc doesn't like it.
> Interestingly, it looks like you can add !both! <xs:any
> namespace="##other"/> and <xs:any namespace="##local"/> and it works fine
> - which in theory is the equivalent of <xs:any namespace="##any"/>.  I did
> find this pattern in a sample online, but I haven't yet found any
> description on why <xs:any namespace="##any"/> is a real problem.  It
> does, however, fail the sqc, and we think it may be what is causing some
> of the MS tools to give up on the SM schemas as well
> 			<PZ>Actually the replacement for <xs:any
> namespace="##any"/> would be <xs:any
> namespace=""/> and <xs:any
> namespace="##other"/>.  We do NOT want locally defined elements.  All
> extensions MUST be fully qualified with the namespace to federate
> extensions to the schema.  In all examples I have seen from the W3C they
> use '##any" for this type of extensibility.  I still have not reinstalled
> all  my XML tools yet or have not had time to try them on this issue.  It
> seems to me that '##any' is exactly what we mean.</PZ>
> 3)	The PWG copyright on the schemas still says 2002.  I'm assuming we
> need to roll this to 2003. 
> 			<PZ>Added ", 2003" to copyright notices</PZ>
> 4)	"JobPriority" need minimum value of '1' and maximum value of '100'. 
> 			<PZ>Added to "JobPriority" and
> "JobPriorityDefault"</PZ>
> 5)	The "MediaSizeSelfDescribingNameWKV" element has an enumberation
> 'om_large-photo_200x300' that should be 'om_large-photo_200x300mm'. 
> 			<PZ>Fixed</PZ>
> 6)	"DocumentFormatWKV" needs 'application/vnd.pwg-xhtml-print+xml' and
> image MIME types 
> 			<PZ>Added 'application/vnd.pwg-xhtml-print+xml',
> image/g3fax', 'image/jpeg', 'imag/tiff'and 'image/tiff-fx'.</PZ>
> 7)	"DocumentFormat" does not allow certain extension values. 
> 			<PZ>The "MimeExtentionPattern" SimpleType is not
> correct.  As a quick fix I changed it to have a value of
> '(\i|\d|\.)*&#x002F;(\i|\d|\.\p{P})*'.  I have not tested it yet.  Anyone
> with time to create a proper pattern describing MIME would be
> appreciated.</PZ>
> 8)	"PrinterStateReasons" should include the values 'AttentionRequired'
> and 'MarkerFailure'.
> 			<PZ>Added them</PZ>
> 9)	"DocumentFormat" need the value 'unknown'. 
> 			<PZ>Added it</PZ>
> 10)	"JobAccountingId" should be "JobAccountingID".
> 			<PZ>Fixed</PZ>
> 11)	How should we release the updated PWG Schema v0.95?
> 			<PZ>Release as version 0.96</PZ>

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