SM> Next PWG Semantic Model Meeting Will Be July 31

SM> Next PWG Semantic Model Meeting Will Be July 31

Zehler, Peter PZehler at
Wed Jul 23 09:46:56 EDT 2003


Given vacation and subsequent work load I will be unable to get the JobX
updates sent out prior to this Thursday.  I will get it out ASAP and be
ready for a review next Thursday.  The objective is to get to a stable
version.  Soon after that the PWG Semantic Model document will be brought up
to date and sent out for a final review.  Minor updates will also be made to
the schema.  The proposed agenda for the 31st will be as follows.

1)	Quick Status
2)	JobX Review
a.	Section by section with focus on recently changed text
b.	Any issues raised by the group
3)	Schema changes and update plans
4)	Schedule for Semantic Model stable document

I will get the JobX document, updated agenda (given any suggestions from the
group), and the details for the teleconference out later this week.  Any
issues should be sent to the SM mail list.


				Peter Zehler
				Xerox Innovation Group
				Email: PZehler at
				Voice:    (585) 265-8755
				FAX:      (585) 422-7961
				US Mail: Peter Zehler
				        Xerox Corp.
				        800 Phillips Rd.
				        M/S 128-25E
				        Webster NY, 14580-9701

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