SM> Semantic Model Teleconference (New Document Specification)

SM> Semantic Model Teleconference (New Document Specification)

Zehler, Peter PZehler at
Mon May 12 08:41:08 EDT 2003


This Thursday at 1pm EDT is the Semantic Model teleconference. This
week's teleconference will cover the new Document Object specification.
The new Document Object Specification is the first of 3 specifications 
to be split out from the previous version.  This specification is limited
to the Document Object extension to IPP.  The specification has been 
available since Friday.  This is the first of the documents that has been 
broken out of the previous specification.  There are currently 2 issues 
in this specification.  Please raise any additional issues on the IPP 
mailing list.  

The teleconference is scheduled for one hour.  If the conversation is 
productive we can extend the meeting up to 2 hours.  

The meeting  will be run using phone and Webex.  Anyone that does 
not yet have Webex installed should do that before Thursday.  
Information for the phone and Webex are included below.  

The file for review is the pdf file:

The agenda for the Semantic Model teleconference is :

1) Discuss the new specification
	a) Collect comments
	b) Raise issues
	c) Resolve issues
2) Plan how to drive this and associated documents to closure
	a) Relationship between this spec (a), the JobX spec (b),
		the futures spec (c), and the Override spec
	b) Schedule for closure and dependencies between specs
	c) Semantic Model and Schema updates
	d) Work items for Portland Face-to-Face
3) Next steps


  PS: Bob, Let me know if you can not host the Webex.

			Peter Zehler
			Xerox Architecture Center
			Email: PZehler at
			Voice:    (585) 265-8755
			FAX:      (585) 265-8871 
			US Mail: Peter Zehler
				        Xerox Corp.
				        800 Phillips Rd.
				        M/S 128-30E
				        Webster NY, 14580-9701


Dial in Info:
Phone Number: (877) 776-6306
(Phone Number for Xerox Employees: 8*594-0576)
webex info:
We will also use an on line tool called webex,
if you have not used this before, setup up by
following the First Time Users instructions.
Do this in advance of the meeting.

For fully interactive meetings, including the ability
to present your documents and applications, a one-time
setup takes less than 10 minutes. Click this URL to set up now:

Then click New User.

On Thursday use:

Then click join unlisted meeting.
Use the info below:

Name: PWG Semantic Model 
Date: 4/10/2003
Time: 1:00PM, (GMT -04:00) Eastern Time, USA & Canada (Daylight Time)
         10:00AM, (GMT -07:00) Pacific Time, USA & Canada (Daylight Time)
Meeting Number: 21366675
Meeting Password: pwg_sm
Bob Taylor (HP)


				Peter Zehler
				Xerox Architecture Center
				Email: PZehler at
				Voice:    (585) 265-8755
				FAX:      (585) 265-8871 
				US Mail: Peter Zehler
				        Xerox Corp.
				        800 Phillips Rd.
				        M/S 128-30E
				        Webster NY, 14580-9701

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