SM> IPP Document object specification, March 14 2003 version, is avai lable for SM 3/20 telecon

SM> IPP Document object specification, March 14 2003 version, is avai lable for SM 3/20 telecon

Hastings, Tom N hastings at
Mon Mar 17 19:12:08 EST 2003

I've stored the 14 March 2003 version of the IPP Document object on the PWG
server at:
which are the same as:

The version with revision marks is available at:

The rest of the email message contains the 18 issues followed by the change
log summary.

The 14 March 2003 version contains the agreements reached at the last PWG
face to face meeting in Maui and on subsequent SM telecons and email
threads.  This version also aligns with the 17 March 2003 version of the
Semantic Model that Pete just posted.

The issues will be reviewed during the PWG Semantic Model telecon, Thursday,
March 20.  There are 18 issues, mostly minor or just making sure you approve
of the specific updates.  However, issue #9 is significant.  

Here are the issues that are also embedded in the document:

ISSUE 00:  Or should we just delete "input-document-number" operation
attribute when we republish pwg5100.4 without "document-overrides?

ISSUE 01:  OK:  OK to rename Send-Data to Send-Document-Data to reflect the
object on which it operates?

ISSUE 02:  OK to add Close-Job operation and to REQUIRE a Printer to support
it, since PSI is using it?

ISSUE 03:  Should we make "job-mandatory-attributes" a REQUIRED attribute
for a Printer to support (if it supports the Document object)?  Otherwise,
clients won't support it and will be stuck with the "ipp-attribute-fidelity"

ISSUE 04:  The "document-overrides" attribute is also useful in combination
with the "pages-per-subset" attribute (see [pwg5100.4]) which divides up the
Input Page stream concatenated across the Input Documents into separate
Output Documents.  For example, making every 10 Input Pages be a separate
Output Document but the client only wants to staple the first Output
Document.  ISSUE 04:  But what about Subset Finishing?  Can we it be done
without "document-overrides"?

ISSUE 05:  OK that when a Printer supports Page Overrides, that we REQUIRE
the Printer to continue to support the "page-overrides" as an operation
attribute in Send-Document and Send-URI as well as a Document Template

ISSUE 06:  OK that "document-container-summary" is only one level deep?

ISSUE 07:  Is the description of "document-container-summary" attribute OK?

ISSUE 08:  Are the conformance requirements for the
"document-container-summary" attributes OK?

ISSUE: 09:  How can a Printer indicate which combinations of
document-creator-application-name (name(MAX)),
document-creator-application-version (text(127)), document-creator-os-name
(name(40)), document-creator-os-version (text(40)),
document-format-device-id (text(127)), document-format-version (text(127),
document-format (mimeMediaType) and "document-natural-language
(naturalLanguage) are supported?

ISSUE 10:  OK that "document-format-version" is REQUIRED for a Printer to

ISSUE: 11:  The problem with separating "document-format" and
"document-format-version" is how can a Printer describe what versions are
supported, since the versions have to be associated with the document

ISSUE 12: 'PDF/X-1:2001':  From the ISO standard that specifies PDF/X.
ISSUE 12: Or should the official ISO standard number, part number and date,
be used instead, e.g., "ISO nnnnn.n-2001"?

ISSUE 13:  The definition of "document-natural-language" in [rfc2911]
§ and [pwg5100.4] §5.1.7 is single-valued.  OK that this Document
Description attribute isn't 1setOf?  Or should we extend
"document-natural-language" to 1setOf naturalLanguage) and keep the same
name?  Or change the name to "document-natural-languages"? 

ISSUE 14:  TBD - Need to add the "xxx-default" and "xxx-supported" to Table
14 that go with the Document Template attributes.

ISSUE 15:  TBD - Need to add the xxx-default and xxx-supported for each xxx
in the IANA Registration of Document Template attributes.

ISSUE 16:  TBD - Need to add the xxx-default and xxx-supported for each xxx
in the IANA Registration of Job Template attributes being defined.

ISSUE 17:  TBD - Need to list the keyword attribute values in the IANA
Registration section.  Do so by reference to the values registered for
corresponding attributes.

Here is the Change Log:
Version 0.7, 14 March 2003, agreements from the Maui January PWG meeting and
subsequent telecons:
	1.	Fixed up the file naming and numbering to agree with the
latest PWG process agreements.
	2.	Updated the Abstract and Introduction to reflect the
	3.	Fixed cross references to use the standard numbers as
agreed, rather than mnemonic references.
	4.	Deprecated the "input-document-number" operation attribute
([pwg5100.4] section 9.2.1 in the Create-Document Requests
	5.	Renamed Send-Data to Send-Document-Data to more clearly
reflect the scope of the operation.
	6.	Added the REQUIRED Close-Job operation to close a job that
contains Document objects.  Using "last-document" still works too and the
Printer MUST support both ways.
	7.	Retained the idea that the Printer MUST NOT copy down any
attributes supplied in the Job Creation operation to the Document object as
observable in Document object query responses.  Document objects inherit
that effect from the Job object.
	8.	Added the following operation and Document Description
attributes: document-container-summary (collection),
document-creator-application-name (name(MAX)),
document-creator-application-version (text(127)), document-creator-os-name
(name(40)), document-creator-os-version (text(40)),
document-format-device-id (text(127)), document-format-version (text(127).
The "document-container-summary" collection attribute may contain them, plus
"document-format" and "document-natural-language".
	9.	REQUIRED Printers to support "document-format-version"
Document Description.
	10.	Deprecated "document-overrides" and indicated that the
agreement is to re-issue [pwg5100.4] without "document-overrides".
	11.	Prefixed the following three Document Description attributes
that are copies of Job Description attributes with "document-" so that no
Document attribute has a "job-" prefix:  "job-printer-uri" becomes
"document-job-printer-uri", "job-uri" becomes "document-job-uri", and
"job-id" becomes "document-job-id".
	12.	Added the encoding for the "document-attributes-tag" as
	13.	Updated the IANA Registration section, but still needs more

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