SM> The latest PWG Semantic Model Schema is now available

SM> The latest PWG Semantic Model Schema is now available

Zehler, Peter PZehler at
Wed Jan 8 13:26:00 EST 2003


The latest PWG Semantic Model Schema (v0.91) is available on the PWG Web
site.  The Semantic Model web page has been updated (thanks Gail) and is
located at <>.  As agreed the namespace for
the schema is <>.  The intent of this
schema is to provide the latest version of the PWG schema.  The contents of
this schema may change at any time.  Numbered versions, such as v0.90 below,
are formal checkpoints and will not be modified. 

The schemas themselves are located at
<*.xsd>.  For example the Printer
Status schema is located at
<>.  See the web page
for a list of all the schemas. One major change is that there is no longer a
single file containing the master list of semantic elements.  The semantic
elements are now contained in the file that references them.  The
PwgCommon.xsd file contains elements that are referenced by more than one

The PWG Semantic Model Schema v0.90 is still  available on the PWG Web site.
The namespace for this schema is <>.  The
schemas themselves are located at
<*.xsd>.  For example the semantic
element master list is located at
<>.  See the web
page for a list of all the schemas.


				Peter Zehler
				Xerox Architecture Center
				Email: PZehler at
				Voice:    (585) 265-8755
				FAX:      (585) 265-8871 
				US Mail: Peter Zehler
				        Xerox Corp.
				        800 Phillips Rd.
				        M/S 128-30E
				        Webster NY, 14580-9701

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