I have drawn up a straw man proposal for the charter of a PWG Semantic Model
Working Group. The purpose of this working group would be create a high
level PWG Semantic Model definition. I see this as sort of a "master"
document that gives an overview of the semantics and references to the
existing specifications that contain the details. I see this as something
similar to the PWG Semantic Model Overview that I recently sent out. The
document would not be limited to rfc2911 as the overview documents is but
cover every rfc, ID and PWG specification with semantic content (i.e. skip
protocol, mapping and requirements) The other output of the working group
would be an XML schema for the PWG Semantic Model.
The straw man proposal can be found at
Once again comments are welcome,
Peter Zehler
Xerox Architecture Center
Email: PZehler at
Voice: (716) 265-8755
FAX: (716) 265-8871
US Mail: Peter Zehler
Xerox Corp.
800 Phillips Rd.
M/S 128-30E
Webster NY, 14580-9701